Meet Jenifer Shwartz, the CEO and Founder of Freezcake. A pastry chef for over 16 years and a mother of 4 girls, Jenifer was forced to shut down her bakery due to the pandemic and began producing a line of freeze-dried cheesecake snacks called Freezcake.

What is your company and what do you do?
Our company is focused on bringing fresh baked pastry straight to the consumer by way of a freeze-dried snack. Right now we are the only company who commercially produces freeze-dried cheesecake. We actually bake the product from scratch and then freeze-dry, so the freshness is locked in.
How do you start your morning? Give us a play by play-- time you get up, 3-5 things you do to start your day.
Having 4 kids, 3 under the age of 5 can be a huge struggle. Honestly we try to start the night before by washing lunch (bento) boxes I start my morning with a routine so we can be out the door in time for school. The girls have their own table and we start with a healthy breakfast before attempting to get anything else done. While they are eating, I pack their bento boxes and drinks for the day. I also check to make sure their school bags are properly packed and stocked. Then we get dressed and shoes on before heading out the door. The time for parents is very limited in the morning, so we take full advantage of the night before to best get ready to start the day. The best relief we get is coffee or a cup of tea in the morning and that is what helps us to refresh for the upcoming day.
What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs looking to create healthier and invigorating morning routines and habits?
I think the key is planning from the day before. Sometimes mornings can be overwhelming and its best to spend a few minutes going over what the next day will look like. This helps me to plan and envision what I will get done. I also like to write a list down on a whiteboard, this way I can cross things off when I get them done. It feels good to erase things to do from a list.
What are some of your favorite leisure activities?
My favorite leisure activities include playing strategic board games with my family, reading a book curled up with one of my kitties or floating on a raft in my pool.
Share a favorite affirmation that other female entrepreneurs could benefit from.
Never give up when things become challenging, embrace it and see how you can learn from the experience.
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