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Ladies of Leisure | Laurel  Orley, CEO & Founer of Daily Crunch Snacks - Leaves of Leisure

Ladies of Leisure | Laurel Orley, CEO & Founer of Daily Crunch Snacks

Welcome to the Ladies of Leisure series, where we feature inspiring women and their stories of success, wellness and leisure. Through these interviews, we hope to gain insights into the lives of these amazing women and the tips and tricks they use to live a balanced and fulfilling life. We'll also look at their morning routines, advice they have for other female entrepreneurs and their favorite way to spend leisure time. We are honored to introduce you to some of the leading ladies in their fields and hope you find their stories as inspiring as we do.

Meet Laura Orley, the CEO and Founder of Daily Crunch Snacks

After a career in media strategy working on brands like the #Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, #LiptonTea, #Baileys, #Suave and #Hellman’s, she co-launched Daily Crunch Snacks in 2020.She lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and 3 children.

What is your company and what do you do?

Daily Crunch is a women-owned & mission-driven company that makes Uniquely Crunchy™ sprouted nut snacks that taste as good as they make you feel. As the CEO I makes the boat go faster with our goals and growth projections and oversee sales and marketing.

How do you start your morning? Give us a play by play-- time you get up, 3-5 things you do to start your day.

4 days/week I wake up at 4:30am to make my 5am hot yoga class. It’s the only time of the day for myself and I relish in that self care time. I then make myself a cup of tea and do WORDL before waking my family up to start the day!

What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs looking to create healthier and invigorating morning routines and habits?

Self care starts with you and starts with your morning routine. Don’t know what to do? Start with making your bed every morning, it statistically leads to a more productive day!

What are some of your favorite leisure activities?

reading by the fire place, going to a new restaurant in nashville

Share a favorite affirmation that other female entrepreneurs could benefit from:

The squeaky wheel gets what they want, don’t be afraid to speak up and if you don’t hear back from someone immediately, remember to follow-up!

**Use the code crunchfam15 for 15% off

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