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Ladies of Leisure | Robin Dimond of Fifth & Cor - Leaves of Leisure

Ladies of Leisure | Robin Dimond of Fifth & Cor

Our column Ladies of Leisure is an interview series with interesting and inspiring women, where we talk about their morning routines, advice they have for other female entrepreneurs and their favorite way to spend leisure time.

Meet Robin Dimond, the CEO and Founder of Fifth & Cor, a marketing & innovation company. Passionate about the human experience, Dimond strives to bring sensory experiences and the heart back into all her team’s work, thus comes the name - Fifth (five senses) & Cor (Latin for heart). 

What is your company and what do you do?

Fifth & Cor is at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and creativity. We’re a Marketing & Innovation Company harnessing the best tools to support brands, consumers, and communities. We work with clients to design the future, build the brand, and tell the story through multi-channel experiences.

How do you start your morning? 

I typically get a head start on my day at around 5 am. First things first, I make myself a nice cup of coffee and watch my dogs run around outside. It’s a peaceful start to my day when I get the opportunity to ground myself. After that, I take a few minutes to sit outside and reflect on the day before and the day ahead. Doing this gives me time to understand where I am at and approach the day with gratitude. After that, I am off to the gym for about an hour-long workout before coming home to begin working!

What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs looking to create healthier and invigorating morning routines and habits?

Look inside yourself, and find whatever it is that you need to start your day right. I have tried hundreds of morning routines over the years and took what works best for me from each of them to create the regimen I have now. Take different days to try different things - maybe it’s a cold shower with affirmations, or it is quiet reflection and meditation before picking up your cell phone. Test everything and get comfortable with changing it until you have it nailed down to what is best for you. It’s truly a science that is specific to you.

What are some of your favorite leisure activities?

I am a foodie at heart, and getting to try new dishes and restaurants is a secret passion of mine. Pairing that with a delicious glass of wine lets me reset myself and live in the moment! When I’m not working, this is where you can find me.

Share a favorite affirmation that other female entrepreneurs could benefit from

We stand on the shoulders of giants. This means the work that allows us to be where we are today, comes from the hard work of those before us. This, to me, is beautiful and deeply inspirational. I strive every day to be a giant and lift those around me up to get to the next level of greatness so this affirmation motivates me daily.


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